2021 International Conference on Computer Network Security and Software Engineering(CNSSE 2021)
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Keynote Speaker
image.pngAssoc. Prof. Lei Zhang

School of Computer and Information Engineering/Henan University, China

Research Area: 

*Machine learning: Performance optimization of supervised machine learning algorithm, Rule extraction of deep learning, Weather forecast based on deep learning, Public opinion monitoring technology based on deep learning

*Big data: Storage and analysis of aviation meteorological big data, Satellite remote sensing and Spatiotemporal big data 

*Information security: Network attack and defense technology, Big data and cloud computing security protection, Artificial intelligence security risk and intelligent security attack and defense, Blockchain and fine-grained access control of cloud computing

Speech Title: Research on Access Control and Data Editing-Mechanism for Blockchain Based on ABE

Personal Website: http://cs.henu.edu.cn/info/1049/2005.htm